Growth Monitoring

Growth Monitoring

Growth Monitoring

“GROWTH” is an increase in size of body and organs referring to the physical maturation of the body. It is a continuous process starting before birth to 18 – 20 years of age.

There are many factors that help the growth of a child. Early identification and prevention is best to ensure a normal healthy growing child :

  • Mother’s habits like diet and exercise, pregnancy supplements, weight gain, harmful drug intake without doctor’s prescriptions
  • Mother’s diseases like diabetes, hypertension, infections, etc.
  • Twin and other multiple pregnancies
  • Mother and baby hormone levels
  • Gap of more than 2 years between two pregnancies
  • Hereditary and genes (e.g. short parents)
  • Social and cultural malpractices
  • Poor nutrition (Insert nutrition page link)
  • Recurrent infections in a child
  • Poor vaccination history (insert vaccination page link)

It is important to consider the above factors and monitor the growth of child at regular visits to a paediatrician. Periodic monitoring helps pick up even the slightest of abnormality at an early stage.

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