Nutrition Counselling

Nutrition Counselling

Nutrition Counselling

Nutrition counselling begins right from childbirth (breastfeeding) to  complementary feeding (i.e.) adding extra food besides breastmilk. A detailed nutrition counselling will be provided to parents and caretakers by a paediatrician who understands the nutritional calorie and protein requirements for children of certain age and weight.

Mojority of children in India face malnutrition (undernutrition and overnutrition). The most common concerns amongst parents are “My child is not eating well” or “my child is eating excessive junk food and rejecting regular meals”. These are major fundamental concerns that we will address accordingly by unveiling the nutritional history, any underlying illness and help generate a suitable AFASS (Acceptable, Feasible, Affordable, Sustainable, Safe) diet plan with supplements if required. One thing to keep in mind is, good nutrition ensures a good physical and mental health of child. HFSS (High Fat Sugar Salt) food is detrimental in every way possible.

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